This was me and my girlfriend's February grab bag movie. It was made in 1940 so we were a little worried about being bored for 2 hours, but we were surprised by the quality.
There are some points where the age shows through. Mostly with some of the characterization of an uncle who sexually harasses multiple women and a single reference to racist iconography, but besides that it was a very solid romance movie.
Tracy lord is a very fun character to follow. She sorta has a dry wit to her that I enjoy. I loved Connor Muchalley. He was such a good character. I'm showing my bias cause he's a depressed writer failguy. Which is apparently the fastest way into my heart. He just has a charm to him I love and I'm glad he turned out to be such a big part of the movie. He has a partner named Liz Imbrie. They are sarcastic painter/photographer. I ship them and so does the movie.
I just googled the movie and apparently it won two academy awards. I can see why.