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A Hat in Time


 I had played the games by Siactro and I was itching for another collectathon game. I thought Super Kiwi 64 was fun but I needed a game with more content. So, I played a game called A Hat in Time. I actually used to play on Slag Gaming community servers back a while ago on Team Fortress 2. One day, the lead guy over Slag gaming started posting about this Unreal project he started working on. He posted game updates periodically until he announced that a Kickstarter. It was for A Hat in Time. I was too young to donate at the time, but I remember watching every single update as it was released. Surprisingly, I didn’t get the game when it first came out, but now I’ve played it!

 The game is consistently charming the whole way through. There is not one character that I do not adore. They all have such personality and a certain level of whimsy that I enjoy. The game looks gorgeous is you turn off the depth of field effects and the stories told within are just complicated enough to keep you invested. Some of the most stand out characters are the Crows from C.A.W.. They ask for personal details using roundabout questions, and of course I answered with all sorts of juvenile responses. And of course, during the scene where you get your bird license, I made Hat Kid look like the Joker. I could not help myself.

 Every world had something cool and interesting going for it as well. Mafia Town had the Mafia of course. A group of stupid gangster stereotypes who are too stupid to be a real threat. The Conductor Vs the DJ Grooves on the Moon was a great exploration between two rivals who are not right in the head. Subcon forest and the Snatcher were fun as well. The contract jokes alongside Vanessa’s Manor were such a treat. The Alpine zone was the area that was most starved for story, but it was a straight gauntlet of platforming. I really enjoyed that part of the level. The finale is just one level where you do a plat forming challenge then fight Mustache Girl. That fight probably has my favorite track in the game for sure.

 I can’t wait to jump into playing all the DLC for the game. I already have been playing some of the Workshop maps for it and I’ll post little reviews for those on this page. A Hat in Time is a very special game. I enjoyed it immensely and hope any future project they’re working on at least matches 50% of the quality of this game.

Workshop maps

Reverse Hazard Rift

 Sadly I couldn’t beat this one, it was too difficult for me.


 A fun little choose your own adventure that is way better then it should have any right to be.

Cyclone Seafort

 I thought this was a really fun little mod. The water park atmosphere was genuinely wonderful and it made me want to go to a real water park really badly. The humor was top notch and even the hidden stickers with the dated memes were fun.

HAT.TRIP: Running In The Legend of Rhythm Aliens

It is a well made mod but I’m not a fan of Bit-Trip Runner so I ended up not finishing it.